A wildlife pond is an inground water source designed to provide habitat for wildlife. Our region can be dry at times and difficult for the local wildlife to thrive in. A wildlife pond is a valuable water source for birds, frogs and even turtles. Wildlife ponds are generally circular with shallow sides, and around 1 metre deep, with plenty of plants and logs to provide homes and perches for local wildlife visitors and residents.
The concept of wildlife ponds was developed by the Birchip Cropping Group. They examined the impact of removal of channels and dams on biodiversity. The project trialled the concept of introducing ponds at several sites and concluded that they could effectively enhance biodiversity, particularly when located in consideration of existing habitat.
Wildlife ponds rebate
A 17 kL water rebate is available to rural landholders who construct and register their wildlife pond. Customers will need to submit an application form agreeing to the terms and conditions, which will be considered and assessed against the eligibility criteria.
Wildlife ponds fact sheet and application form (1.3MB)
Building a wildlife pond
If you decide to build a wildlife pond, you're making a great decision for the local community and our wildlife. The Birchip Cropping Group has produced a great guide to building a wildlife pond, to make getting started a bit simpler.
Farmer’s guide to installing a wildlife pond (560kB, 4 pages)
Further information...
Designing your on-farm piped system If you're planning to install your on-farm piped system, we have tools and advice available to help you come up with the best design for your property.
Planting trees near a rural pipeline If you're planning to plant trees or shrubs, it's important to avoid planting them too close to a pipeline in case we need to do work on a pipe.