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Many properties in urban areas will have the option to join our existing water network. The primary requirement for a property is that it's fronted by one of our mains.

In rural areas, we may supply water for landowners through a rural pipeline connection, or a groundwater or surface water diversion.

If you're property isn't fronted by a main or a rural pipeline, you may also be eligible to apply to extend our water network.


What to do

Step 1:  Check if urban water services are available in your area

Use our Adobe PDF file icon 24x24 Service Area Map (2.5MB) or the table below to check your water supply.

Antwerp Culgoa Horsham Miram Quambatook Underbool
Apsley Dimboola Jeparit Moyston Rainbow Warracknabeal
Ararat Donald Jung Murrayville Rupanyup Watchem
Berriwillock Dooen Kaniva Murtoa Sea Lake Waitchie
Beulah Edenhope Kiata Nandaly Serviceton Walpeup
Birchip Elmhurst Lake Bolac Natimuk Speed Westmere
Brim Glenorchy Lalbert Nhill St Arnaud Wickliffe
Buangor Goroke Lascelles Nullawil Stawell Willaura
Charlton Great Western Lillimur Ouyen Streatham Woomelang
Chillingollah Halls Gap Manangatang Patchewollock Tarranyurk Wycheproof
Chinkapook Harrow Marnoo Pimpinio Tempy Yaapeet
Cowangie Hopetoun Minyip Pomonal Ultima  


Step 2:  Find out if your property is fronted by a main

To find out if your property is fronted by an urban water main, use our interactive map of GWMWater assets or get in touch with us.


Step 3: Find a licensed plumber

Only a licensed plumber can connect you to a main. This is to ensure the safety of our water system and the community.  You'll need to find a plumber before applying for permission to connect, as you're required to supply their details on the application form.

Your plumber will help design the connection is accordance with our standards.


Information for plumbers:

Meters must not be in pits, must be located a minimum of 300 mm from trafficable surfaces, maintain 150 mm clear space above, below, and around the meter, maintain unrestricted access for GWMWater inspection and maintenance, and be located a minimum of 300 mm and a maximum of 2000 mm inside the lot boundary fronting the GWMWater water main.

Where installed, backflow prevention ports require 300 mm clear space below.

Multiple-rated properties and properties with frontage via common property to the GWMWater main may utilise a common tapping via a meter manifold located within common property with a valve at the property boundary between the main and manifold.

The above standard connection requirements apply, with minimum spacing of 150 mm between meters, and a maximum of 6 water meters per manifold.

Table 1: Common tapping & meter manifold size guide.

No. of 25mm Connections

Minimum Manifold Diameter (DN mm)

Larger diameter may be required; consult your plumber









Where there are more than 12 rated properties, GWMWater will consider proposals for sub-metering at GWMWater’s discretion on the basis of limiting congestion of water service pipes within the property. In such cases:

  • A parent meter is required. The service point is the parent meter; performance of GWMWater’s service obligations is measured at this location regardless of performance at the sub-meter.
  • The sizing of infrastructure must be supported by hydraulic calculations demonstrating the infrastructure will supply all sub-meters with sufficient flow as per the GWMWater Urban Customer Charter.
  • Sub-meters must be located outdoors, or within a radio-transparent cabinet and maintain GWMWater’s unrestricted access.
  • Sub-meters must not be in pits, must be located a minimum of 300 mm from trafficable surfaces, maintain 150 mm clear space above, below and around the meter, and must be located up to 1 m inside the sub-metered property, or within common property.
  • GWMWater own and maintain: the service connection pipe between the main and the parent meter; and the parent meter; and the sub-meters; and the metering communication devices. All other common infrastructure is owned and maintained by the property owner(s) and must be listed on the owners corporation schedule (if applicable).


Step 4:  Apply to connect

If you're ready to connect to our water services you'll need permission from us before you begin any works. 

Download an Adobe PDF file icon 24x24 Application for Consent to Connect to the Water Supply System (109kB)

Fire Service connections - For more information on Fire Servicing, visit Fire service.


Extending our network

If your property isn't fronted by a water main, you may be eligible to apply to extend our network. See Extending our network for more information.



If you would like to disconnect from our services, please call us on 1300 659 961.


Further information...

Apply for a pressure and flow test

You may require a pressure and flow test when connecting to our services to ensure the water network will meet your requirements.


Drinking water in urban areas

GWMWater provides drinking water and non-drinking water supplies.  Find out where you can drink the water.


Adobe PDF file icon 24x24 Urban Customer Charter Summary

We're committed to serving our customers and have developed a charter to reflect our ongoing commitment to you and the community.


Adobe PDF file icon 24x24 Customer Guaranteed Service Levels - Fact Sheet

GWMWater provides Guaranteed Service Levels for urban customers.  You maybe eligible to receive a rebate on your water bill if our services don't meet the required performance standards.


Our pricing structure is based on the quality of water supplied and where your water comes from. Find out more.



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